What Do You Need to Know About Diet and UTIs?


Your diet impacts your overall health and each organ inside your body or outside. When it comes to urinary tract infections, every person should be careful what they eat and what they drink. Counting the food calories and choosing healthy lifestyle choices can lead to a quality of life. Diet contributes to daily life activities and how your body performs. It is crucial to keep a check on what you eat and what you should avoid.

A top urologist in Lahore shared that UTIs need proper treatment and prevention until you get completely healed. In this article, we will learn how diet impacts the urinary tract and if it can help with UTIs.

How Foods Affect Urinary Tract?

There is more research required when it comes to dealing with urinary tract infections and UTIs. Every person should know that some foods can affect health and contribute to preventing UTIs. Some dietary patterns can increase the risk of developing urinary tract infections and UTIs.

There are some specific foods that can also trigger or worsen the condition of urinary tract infection.

Here, we can help you learn about how foods impact UTIs.

A diet that Increases or Decreases the Risk of UTIs

Foods that affect your urinary tract can help you control the symptoms of urinary tract infections and UTIs. Intake of foods and drinks is linked with an increase in developing urinary tract infections and UTIs.

Let’s find out what can worsen or cause urinary tract infections.

Foods that Increase the Risk of UTIs

A vegetarian diet is linked with a low risk of UTI development. People who follow a diet that contains more veggies are less likely to develop UTIs. Poultry works as a reservoir for E.coli bacterial strains which are known as extraintestinal pathogenic E.coli.

Eating veggies results in making the urine less acidic. When the urine is less acidic, it leads to the prevention of bacteria growth associated with UTIs.

Such factors make a vegetarian diet one of the best ways to prevent urinary tract infections and UTIs.

What Beverages Can Prevent Urinary Tract Infection Risk?

Some studies also confirm that beverages also impact when it comes to preventing urinary tract infections. You should be careful when you consume beverages as some can put you at high risk of developing these infections.

Some soda intake may also lead to UTIs. A study also reveals that drinking cola may also put women at high risk of developing urinary tract infections UTIs. Many women also shared that some of the beverages cause irritation and also bring on symptoms, such as more frequent urination, etc.

You should be careful when it comes to choosing healthy beverages for yourself. Make sure that you avoid the intake of tea, coffee, high-caffeine products, artificial beverages, etc.

Some studies show that a reduction in the use of these beverages is linked with a low risk of developing urinary tract infections and UTIs.

You can also prevent the risk of urinary tract infection by drinking plenty of water as it helps to get rid of excessive toxins and waste material from the body. It also keeps you hydrated and prevents dehydration. You should drink plenty of other fluids as well if you have any such issues.

What Food Irritates Your Bladder?

Some foods are not good for your bladder as they can cause irritation and discomfort. You should avoid beverages that contain artificial sugar or flavors. Yes, they can easily cause damage to your bladder. It also helps to reduce the symptoms of urinary tract infections. You should also avoid the intake of foods that contain spices, soda, and too much caffeine.

Some citrus juices and fruits can also irritate your bladder if you take them in large amounts. You may experience bladder pain syndrome if you consistently take acidic contained foods or beverages.

What Lifestyle Tips Can Help with UTIs?

Some dietary supplements recommendation can help when it comes to dealing with urinary tract infections. You should know that there are some risk factors that can put you at high risk of developing UTIs, such as estrogen deficiency, new intercourse partner, family history, changes in bacteria flora, bladder dysfunction, having a compromised immune system, anatomical abnormalities of the urogenital tract, having a non-secretor blood type, previous UTI experience like in childhood, etc.

People who wear tight undergarments or use hot tubs are also at risk of developing urinary tract infections. But some lifestyle changes and a healthy diet plan can help with preventing urinary tract infections and UTIs.

Final Thought

Certain dietary changes impact lowering the risk of urinary tract infections and UTIs. It also helps to control the symptoms of these infections. If you experience symptoms, make sure that you consult with the doctor. Early treatment may lead to reducing the UTI symptoms more effectively.