Web3 Development: Decentralizing The Future Of The Internet


One of the most promising emerging technologies, Web3, is the next generation of the World Wide Web. Although it is still in its infancy, internet users are very excited about the features they can expect based on the theories of the technology. Thus, progress on web3 is proceeding at a breakneck pace.

Many of the problems with the current and older versions of the Internet will be fixed in Web3. You should be familiar with the fundamental ideas behind the earlier versions of the Internet to grasp the scope of the changes introduced by web3.

Let’s talk about the most common uses for Web 2.0 and Web 1.0.

Web 1.0: A Purely Informational Medium

Web 1.0, the “read-only” version of the Internet, was live from 1990 to 2004. Users only used this version for information gathering due to the limited nature of the platform. The information or content that users read was uploaded to a website. Therefore, the read-only platform name also applies to this release.

Web 2.0: Platform for Both Reading and Writing

Then the second generation of the web appeared. It’s been around since 2004 and is often referred to as the “read-and-write” Internet because of its dual functionality. This iteration of the web encouraged participation from its users. Therefore, users can access information on the Internet and contribute their content.

While this version has many useful improvements, it has also introduced new security concerns for users. The platform and its users are extremely susceptible to attacks from hackers, spammers, and other malicious actors in this iteration of the Internet, which frequently results in data and privacy breaches.

The platform’s centralization is a much larger problem. Because of the platform’s centralization, large corporations exert considerable influence and control over it. Most users dislike these companies because they implement unnecessary censorship and remove user accounts. Users’ privacy is further violated when companies secretly collect their personal information. However, progress in web3 will eventually solve these problems. Hiring a reputable web3 development company will allow you to add these and many other features to your app.

Web3: Publish-Read-Own

Web 3.0 is the next iteration of the World Wide Web. Web3 is still a work in progress, but it is already among the most advanced iterations of the web. Decentralized and blockchain-based ideas and technologies are being used to create Web 3.

The users’ content posted on web 2.0 sites is not their property. Thus, the platform keeps the user’s share of revenue and control. The new web3 streaming platform available via Web 3.0 will change this. Users will fully own their content due to the platform’s blockchain applications. This means they will receive the bulk of the profits as well.

When a user decides to leave a platform, they are free to take their content with them. Unfortunately, the Internet does not allow this in its present form.

Furthermore, Web 3 will be a decentralized, independent platform ideal for blockchain-based applications. This will finally end the monopoly of large corporations on the system. Consequently, these businesses cannot censor user-generated content or remove individual accounts from the service.

Due to the decentralized nature of Web 3.0, threats like hacking, spam, etc. will be eliminated. Users can choose what data is available to businesses for promotional and commercial purposes. You can rest assured that a web3 development agency with sufficient experience and depth can assist you in creating an app that is tailored to your company’s needs and revenue model.


Users and companies can expect Web 3 to be completely decentralized and open. Technology applications such as artificial intelligence and machine learning will be utilized to their full potential in Web3. With the help of these innovations, users will have access to more accurate information about their customers, allowing them to create more effective advertising and sales plans.

This is perhaps why some forward-thinking companies have already begun commissioning web3 development services to create their web3 applications.