Entrepreneur James Sackl on Starting a Business


Everyone has a different idea of what it means to be an entrepreneur. For some, it’s about generating a new billion-dollar business; for others, it’s as simple as being your own boss. Whatever your definition, there’s no doubt that starting a business takes grit, determination, and a whole lot of hard work. Just ask James Sackl, founder and CEO of the e-commerce platform Brandibble. We sat down with James to get his insights on what it takes to start a business and what entrepreneurs can expect along the way.

The Reality of Starting a Business

“The biggest misconception about starting a business is that it’ll be easy,” says James. “People see the final product—a successful company with happy customers—and they want to jump right in without understanding all of the work that goes into making it happen.” The truth is, starting a business is incredibly challenging. You have to wear a lot of hats, juggle multiple tasks, and often make sacrifices in your personal life. “There are going to be times when you feel like giving up,” warns James. “But if you truly believe in your idea and are passionate about making it work, you’ll find the strength to keep going.” 

What It Takes to Be Successful

Of course, not every business is destined for success. So what separates the winners from the losers? “I think it comes down to two things,” says James. “First, you have to have a great product or service that people actually want or need. Second, you have to be able to execute on your vision—to put in the hard work necessary to make your dream a reality.”  If you can do those two things, you’ll be well on your way to building a successful business.


Are you thinking about starting a business? If so, don’t go into it blind! Expect long hours, difficult challenges, and plenty of self-doubt along the way. But if you’ve got a great idea and the dedication to see it through, you just might build something special. Best of luck!