How Weather Conditions Affect Your Pavement: Tips from Pavement Company Colorado


Pavements are essential to any infrastructure, providing safe and convenient pathways for vehicles and pedestrians to move around. However, pavements are also exposed to weather conditions that can cause significant damage and affect their longevity. In this article, we will discuss how weather conditions can affect your pavement and provide tips from a pavement company in Colorado on how to protect and maintain your pavement.

  • Extreme Heat

Extreme heat can cause significant damage to pavements, especially in areas with high temperatures. When pavements are exposed to high temperatures, the asphalt can soften and become susceptible to deformation and cracking. In extreme cases, the asphalt can even melt and cause severe damage to vehicles and people.

To protect your pavement from extreme heat, it is essential to ensure that it is properly installed and maintained. A professional Denver concrete company can help you determine the best materials and methods to use in your area to prevent damage from extreme heat.

  • Freezing Temperatures

Freezing temperatures can also cause significant damage to pavements, especially in areas with frequent freezes and thaws. When water seeps into pavement cracks and freezes, it expands and causes the pavement to crack and break apart. This process, known as frost heaving, can cause significant damage to pavements and require costly repairs.

To protect your pavement from freezing temperatures, addressing cracks and other damage as soon as they appear is essential. It is also important to ensure that your pavement is properly drained to prevent water from seeping into cracks and causing damage.

  • Heavy Rain

Heavy rain can also cause significant damage to pavements, especially in areas with poor drainage. Water pools on pavements can weaken the structure and cause cracking and other damage. In extreme cases, heavy rain can also cause flooding, which can wash away pavement and cause significant damage to surrounding areas.

To protect your pavement from heavy rain, it is essential to ensure that it is properly drained and graded. A professional pavement company can help you identify and address drainage issues to prevent damage from heavy rain.

  • UV Exposure

UV exposure can cause significant damage to pavements, especially in areas with high levels of sunlight. When pavements are exposed to UV rays, the asphalt can become brittle and crack, leading to significant damage over time. UV exposure can also cause pavements to fade and lose color, affecting appearance and functionality.

To protect your pavement from UV exposure, it is essential to be properly sealed and maintained. A professional pavement company in Colorado can help you determine the best sealant to use in your area to prevent damage from UV exposure.

  • Wind and Storms

Wind and storms can cause significant damage to pavements, especially in areas prone to high winds and severe storms. When pavements are exposed to strong winds and storms, they can become weakened and susceptible to damage from flying debris and falling trees.

To protect your pavement from wind and storms, it is essential to ensure that it is properly installed and maintained. A professional Denver concrete contractor can help you determine the best materials and methods to use in your area to prevent damage from wind and storms.


Weather conditions can significantly impact the longevity and functionality of your pavement. To protect your pavement from weather-related damage, it is essential to ensure that it is properly installed and maintained. A professional pavement company in Colorado can help you identify and address weather damage issues and provide the best solutions to protect and maintain your pavement. Remember, regular maintenance can save you time and money in the long run and ensure the safety of everyone using your pavement.

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