The effects of Braces: What is normal and what is not? Explained by Orthodontic Treatment Specialists


Orthodontic treatment is a popular option for individuals seeking to improve their dental health and enhance their smile. Braces are a common orthodontic treatment used to address a variety of dental issues, including crooked teeth and bite problems. However, many people who opt for braces may be uncertain about what to expect during treatment.

Many people wonder what the effects of braces are and what they should expect during their orthodontic treatment. In this blog, the focus is on discussing the various effects of braces and what individuals can expect during their treatment period.

What to expect during your Orthodontic Treatment?


Experiencing pain and discomfort after getting braces is a common phenomenon. The pressure exerted by the braces on the teeth can cause soreness in the mouth, leading to discomfort. Though this discomfort usually subsides after a few days, over-the-counter pain relievers can provide relief.

In case the discomfort persists, you may discuss it with your orthodontist, who can describe some pain relief medications. But there is no need to worry about the discomfort as it is normal and typically subsides with time.

Changes in diet

To avoid complications during orthodontic treatment, it is essential to steer clear of certain foods that can damage or dislodge braces. Hard or sticky candies, popcorn, and nuts are some examples of such foods that should be avoided. Your orthodontist will provide you with a list of foods to avoid to help ensure successful treatment. 

Oral Hygiene Challenges

Cleaning teeth with braces can be challenging, as the brackets and wires can trap food particles, making it harder to brush and floss. However, there are ways to maintain proper oral hygiene during orthodontic treatment. Your orthodontist can provide you with instructions on how to clean your teeth effectively and may suggest using special tools to assist with cleaning.

Advancements in technology have led to the availability of different types of braces, including clear aligners, which can be removed during cleaning and eating, making oral hygiene more manageable. Ehrler Orthodontics offers high-quality clear aligners that are customized to fit your teeth perfectly and provide the most effective results. Dr. Todd and his team of professionals use state-of-the-art technology to provide you with the best care possible. Whether you’re seeking to straighten your teeth, correct your bite, or improve your oral health, Ehrler Orthodontics is the perfect choice for top-quality orthodontic treatment.

Changes in facial appearance

While undergoing orthodontic treatment with braces, patients may notice slight changes in their facial appearance as their teeth shift and move. However, those who prefer a more discreet option can opt for lingual braces, clear aligners, or ceramic braces, which are less noticeable.

On the other hand, after completing orthodontic treatment, patients will experience a positive change in their facial appearance. Straighter teeth and a perfect smile can boost self-confidence and improve overall appearance.

Length of the treatment

The duration of orthodontic treatment usually ranges from 18 to 24 months, and the length of treatment may vary depending on the complexity of the dental issues being addressed. Your orthodontist will provide you with a timeline for the treatment and schedule regular appointments to monitor the progress of the treatment. 

Broken Brackets

When wearing braces, it is normal for brackets to break or come loose. If this happens, it is important to contact your orthodontist right away to have it fixed to prevent it from affecting the treatment. Generally, brackets come loose or break when eating hard or sticky foods, or while playing sports without a mouthguard. To prevent this, avoid such foods and make sure to wear a mouthguard during sports to protect the brackets from breaking or coming loose. 

Retainer use

When braces are removed, it’s common to wear a retainer to prevent teeth from shifting back to their original position. It’s crucial to follow the orthodontist’s instructions on how often to wear the retainer to maintain the results of the treatment.

In summary, braces are a safe and effective way to address dental issues and achieve a beautiful smile. Although there may be some discomfort and challenges during the treatment, the results are worth it. However, it’s essential to follow your orthodontist’s instructions and attend regular appointments to ensure the best possible outcome and complete your treatment as quickly as possible.


This article is for general information purposes only and is not intended as a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Please consult your doctor or other qualified healthcare providers with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read in this article. The information provided in this article is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease and should not be relied upon as medical advice.

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