Ben Stokes: Portrait of a ‘Mentality Monster’ – Coach’s Corner

Ben Stokes: Portrait of a 'Mentality Monster' - Coach's Corner

‍It has been a few weeks since Ben Stokes was arrested and released. The England all-rounder soon found himself in the headlines again after being questioned by police over an altercation that occurred outside a nightclub in Bristol. Although there is still no confirmation as to what happened or who was involved, the incident has left cricket in a state of shock.

Not only is it disappointing to see such sportsmanship and leadership lacking amongst players but also disappointing to witness that among players there are those who exhibit traits like being ‘mentality monsters’. As a professional cricketer, you should always have control of your emotions and actions. 

You should lead from the front, show respect towards your opponents, teammates, fans and officials. It’s with this thought that we take a look at what is called for when it comes to dealing with these types of situations: A COACH’S CORNER


Be on alert for low-level bad behaviour

At all levels of the game, there are people who will try to cause trouble. They are likely to be trouble themselves; might be trying to ‘get under someone else’s skin’. They might be a bit too confident in their own ability or might be a bit too arrogant. 

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They might be a bit too cocky for their own good. A couple of things to keep in mind if you do encounter one of these people. First, you probably won’t see it coming so don’t get too wound up. Second, if you engage with them, you might end up engaging with their entire team.


Be always aware of your surroundings

You might be with your friends or teammates but that doesn’t mean that the people around you aren’t dangerous. If someone has bad intentions, they might try to take advantage of you while you’re being too relaxed. In such situations, staying aware of your surroundings might be the best thing to do. It’s often just being a bit more observant that can help you avoid trouble. You might notice a change in body language, someone’s tone of voice, or a shift in their stance.


Communicate calmly and decisively to the team

Bad behaviour is not limited to individuals. There are also groups of people who can be dangerous. In such cases, the best thing to do is to inform your teammates. If the person is dangerous to you, the rest of the team, or the game, you can inform the umpires and seek help. If not, inform your team captain and seek help from them. 

When communicating to your team captain, try to keep your tone calm and confident. Explain the situation and let them know what you saw. Don’t get too emotional and don’t try to find fault with the other team. A calm conversation with your captain can help calm you down, it’s important to stay calm and collected.


Expect people to have different opinions, try to listen

There’s no right or wrong in this world. There are people who might disagree with you and might not like you. There might be someone who you don’t like or who doesn’t like you. Regardless of what you think of someone, there is no reason to insult them. There is no right or wrong in how you feel about someone. If you feel you were treated unfairly, you have the right to protest. Protesting has no place in cricket but it does have a place in society. When someone protests, try to listen. Try to understand why they are protesting and let them vent out. Protesting and letting go of steam are important in order to stay safe and keep the emotions in check.


Learn from errors and keep practising

Ben Stokes is no doubt an excellent cricketer. He’s an important part of the England team, has made a significant contribution to the game, and holds a place in the hearts of many. However, he also has some serious issues and is one of the people who we have discussed above. These types of people exist in all walks of life and not only in sports. They might be part of your family, friends, colleagues or might be people you meet at school or work. It’s important to keep a close eye on your emotions and what you are doing. Notice how your behaviour is changing and how it is changing you. When you notice things, try to be mindful of what you are doing and why you are doing it. Try to be rational in your actions and make sure that your actions are coming from a place of love, respect and kindness.


Stokes is not the first and won’t be the last

There are people in the world who are dangerous. There are people who will try to cause trouble. There are people who might try to ‘get under someone’s skin’. There are people who might be a bit too confident in their own ability or might be a bit too arrogant. There are people who are a bit too cocky for their own good. 

There are people who might try to make you feel small. In all walks of life, there are people who will try to harm you. In cricket, there are people who will try to cause trouble. In all walks of life, there are people who will try to make you feel small. These people are dangerous. 

They are dangerous because they might be someone you know and someone you might not even realise is dangerous. They might be someone who has a respect for the game, for their teammates, for the game, and for people. It is important to stay safe from these people and from these types of situations. It is important to stay away from dangerous people, dangerous situations and dangerous behaviours.



Bad behaviour is not limited to individuals. There are also groups of people who can be dangerous. In such cases, the best thing to do is to inform your teammates, if the person is dangerous to you, the rest of the team or the game, you can inform the umpires and seek help. If not, inform your team captain and seek help from them. There are people in the world who are dangerous. 

There are people who will try to cause trouble. There are people who might try to ‘get under someone’s skin’. There are people who might be a bit too confident in their own ability or might be a bit too arrogant. 

There are people who are a bit too cocky for their own good. There are people who might try to make you feel small. These people are dangerous. They are dangerous because they might be someone you know and someone you might not even realise is dangerous. It is important to stay away from dangerous people, dangerous situations and dangerous behaviours.