In-depth Look into a Web Server: Definition, Importance, and Types.

Web Server
Web Server

A computer system known as a web server handles requests sent through the internet. Web servers are created to handle, transmit, and store data utilizing the HTTP (Hypertext Transfer Protocol) via the World Wide Web. Web servers come in a wide variety of shapes and sizes, but they all serve the same purpose. Their location, arrangement, and capacity serve as their primary points of differentiation. You should be aware of the different kinds of servers that are available whether you run a website or a blog. It will make sure that your website can manage traffic flow well.

This article will discuss web servers, including types of web servers, as well as why they are important. 

What are web servers?

A computer system with a software program that serves up website material to users is known as a web server. The platform on which you build your website generally determines the kind of web server you require. A web server can operate various sites on the same machine by utilizing various operating systems (OS) and application stacks.

Large files must be sent promptly by web servers, particularly when sending complicated multimedia assets like photographs or video snippets. Web servers respond to requests from users (web browsers) by supplying the relevant files as soon as they can. Single-tasking models were the first PCs used for this, meaning they could finish one application at one time before moving on to the next.

As demand increased, multi-tasking models with more processing capacity were required to carry out several activities at once. Even yet, they had certain limits, which prompted the creation of specialized servers like Apache and IIS.

The importance of a Web Server

The main element holding your site together is the web server. It acts as a bridge that interlinks you to every user who visits your website. The web browser asks for information from the web server (pulls), and the web server reciprocates by transmitting files back (pushes). All of this happens in only nanoseconds!

Your web server is a computer that stores all of the websites you view. Because of this, if the server crashes, the website won’t be accessible until it comes back online.

A web server often keeps running constantly, allowing consumers to request information from it. The server will provide the requested file to the user after they request it from your website. Despite the fact that there are numerous variations of web servers, they all perform the same function. They respond to the demands in various ways. So let’s explore the various server kinds.

Types of Web Servers

There are various kinds of web servers, each with advantages and disadvantages. Here, we’ll examine the many kinds:

  • Apache

The most used web server on the internet is Apache. It was developed as an open-source alternative to the current HTTP Unix web server. The distinctive feature of Apache is that it is agreeable with a wide variety of technologies and all popular operating systems (OS).

The most frequently hacked web server is Apache, which is used extensively by large organizations to run their websites. Depending on the requirements of your website, it may still be a suitable fit for you despite being a little slower than IIS and Nginx. For instance, it offers improved compatibility for the Tomcat and GlassFish application servers.

This web server is frequently used with Python, PHP, and WSGI languages. Because of this, Microsoft supports all Windows Operating System (OS) Platforms and maintains this product. It offers built-in management functionality for SSL certificates and is agreeable with an extensive range of server technologies.

  • Internet Information Services (IIS)

The default web server for Windows systems is Microsoft’s IIS. Major OS are compatible with it, and Microsoft technologies like SQL Server or ASP,.NET are supported more effectively.

IIS is a perfect fit for websites created in C# or VB.Net because it is typically positioned with Microsoft’s web app development framework. NET. Although you may wish to utilize a web server like Nginx to manage reverse proxying and static requests, you may also use it to host Node.JS, Ruby on Rails, and PHP (through FastCGI) applications.

  • Nginx

An open-source web server application called Nginx has gained popularity in recent years. Due to its superior performance and infrastructure, it is almost as well-known as Apache, and several experts in the field believe it may eventually surpass Apache online. The nonsynchronous event-driven approach is utilized by Nginx (rather than process-based like Apache).

Compared to Apache, this architecture is more effective and utilizes around 50% less RAM. If your website largely relies on multimedia, Nginx is a wonderful alternative because it provides advanced static content caching options. It’s a great choice for managed web hosting several websites from a single server because of its exceptionally lightweight construction and minimal memory usage.

  • Lighttpd

A quick and lightweight web server is what defines a Lighttpd. It’s easy to set up and compatible with the majority of computers, however, it only supports a few Linux commands. Although it doesn’t have as many choices as Apache or Nginx, several major websites, like Wikipedia, still use it because of its amazing speed and minimal memory needs.

The single process per request concept of Nginx can make many little files faster than it. Existing programs don’t need to be rewritten, albeit PHP’s performance might not be the best.

  • LiteSpeed

Commercial-grade web servers like LiteSpeed provide business capabilities like clustering and load balancing. It asserts to be quicker and safer than Apache.

It is possible to use LiteSpeed on the majority of hosting providers thanks to its integration with CloudLinux. Most application servers and OS are agreeable with it (along with all Apache technologies). While not open-source, LiteSpeed is free to use for personal purposes.


All brands, firms, and organizations with an internet presence use web servers. By hosting websites that can be accessed from any location with an internet connection, they offer a service. There are numerous varieties of web servers that each offer something special for your company’s requirements.

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