Tips To Grow Australian Native Plants Bought From Nursery


Houseplants, as a style element in interior design, are rising rapidly in popularity. People would rather have live plants on their patios or inside their homes than fake decorations. The golden cane palm is gaining popularity along with many other types of vegetation. Attractive and visually satisfying, thanks to its yellow-golden branches, flowering, and the brownish-golden hue of old petals. Read on if you’re in the market for plant nurseries close by to purchase this plant for your own home.

Adequate Soil for Growing This Palm in Pots

If grown in ideal conditions, this palm will reach its full potential. The structure and performance of high-quality potting soil are guaranteed. Potting soil and river sand can be mixed for an alternative growing medium. Adding a small amount of river sand, up to a quarter of the combination, will allow the mixture to retain water and its structure and keep the soil level for a longer period of time. You can also improve your plant’s nutrition by adding aged cow manure.

Optimal Watering Schedule for Healthy Growth

With regular watering, this Australian native plant will thrive. Watering twice weekly is recommended during the summer months when temperatures tend to rise. It is also crucial to check the soil in pots that are in the shade to see how dry it is before adding water. These palms benefit from less irrigation in the winter because their roots won’t get as cold and wet. If there is regular rainfall and it is quite cool, a once-a-week watering can be all that is necessary. Ask around at the local nursery for suggestions.

How to Transfer the Palm Correctly 

After returning home with your new palm from the nursery, you should immediately put it into a larger pot. Since it may have grown to be too big for the pot to contain. Plant a golden cane palm in an appropriately sized container.

  • Selecting a Pot

Choose a storage unit that is a size up from the current one. The container’s width and depth should be increased by two to three inches. Use a large, sturdy container with drain holes. The palm will suffer if it is planted in a pot that is too large for it. Since it will be sitting in a large volume of cool potting soil that may stay damp for a long time.

  • Placement

The pot should be placed in the location where the palm will be kept. The transition from sun to shade is appropriate. Only put a palm tree you just bought from a native plants nursery in full sun throughout the summer.

  • Preparing the Pot

To keep soil from escaping, cover the opening in the bottom of the pot with a piece of fabric. Fill the bottom two to three inches of your chosen container with premium soil after plugging any drainage holes.

  • Moving Palm & Settling

Take the plant out of its old pot when you’re through repotting it. Squeezing the base of the pot and pressing the lid will release the palm. If the roots are tangled, you can remove the mud from their base by gently splitting the roots with your fingers. The plant should be transferred to the new container and then covered with more potting soil of the highest quality.

Closing Remarks

The Golden Cane Palm is a hardy species that thrives in both indoor and outdoor containers. To ensure the plant’s continued health, you should adhere to the maintenance guidelines provided by the local nursery. Check for the other varieties of Australian plants online to embellish your home.