What are the benefits of the industrial water pump?


There are many ways industrial pumps are offered for different applications. Each type of industrial pump has advantages over other pumps. As experts in industrial pumps and rotating equipment since 1946, we wanted to provide a quick and easy way to understand the benefits of each industrial pump.

Key Benefits and Applications for Each Type of Industrial Water Pump

1. Centrifugal Pumps

Ideal for low viscosity fluids and high flow rates.

2. ANSI Process Pump

Includes standardization of dimensions, allowing plumbing, foundation, and construction to be completed before selecting a pump supplier. It also offers more material options than other types.

3. API Process Pumps

Meets all API 610 requirements to ensure safety and reliability in high-pressure and high-temperature hydrocarbon applications.

4. Axial Pump

The best choice for achieving very high flow rates is with shallow heads.

5. Booster Pump

Allows you to build up the extra pressure needed to move liquids long distances.

6. Piston Pump

Suitable for polishing fluid applications.

7. Progressive Cavity Pump

Sometimes referred to as the ‘pump of last resort because it can handle complex liquids that other pumps cannot.

8. Worm Pumps

These pumps have the highest capacity of any positive displacement pump.

9. Gear pump

Simple design with few moving parts, ideal for clean oil applications.

10. Piston Pumps

Ideal for sanitary applications to pump viscous liquids or liquids containing fragile solids without metal-to-metal contact in the pump.

11. Diaphragm Pump

One of the most versatile options for pumping a wide variety of liquids as it is sealless and can run dry without damaging the pump.

14. Submersible Pump

Ideal for flood-prone areas. Additionally, these pumps eliminate column shafts and bearings in column sump pumps.

15. Self-Priming Pump

Key Benefits: No external priming is required!

16. Multi-Stage Pumps

The best way to achieve high pressure is with low-thrust centrifugal pumps.

Important Pump Selection Considerations

Selecting the right pump for your commercial or industrial application is critical to the longevity of your system, but it can be a complex decision. Each pump has dozens of specifications, and each application requires dozens of considerations. Keep these four considerations in mind when looking for the right pump:

1. Materials of Construction

Select pumps based on fluid composition and materials’ ability to withstand the environment’s chemicals. Standard materials are bronze, cast iron, and stainless steel. Various applications may require pumps that meet stringent regulatory standards.


Corrosive fluids, process fluids containing solids, and heated fluids require different material handling and pump designs. Carefully consider the characteristics of the process fluid that can affect or stress the pump to select the appropriate model.

3. Power Requirements and Availability

The high horsepower level of the pump, which requires tight control of fluid process pressure, demands access to a convenient and reliable power source. Many pumps are available in electric and gas-powered variations for use in mounted environments such as agriculture and construction sites, as well as mobile applications. Besides considering the power supply, it is also essential to choose the right pump based on voltage or current limitations.