An Ultimate Guide To Writing an Argumentative Thesis Statement

Argumentative Thesis Statement

Are you struggling to write a good thesis statement? Many college and university students are terrified when they hear about the essay. Arguments and assertions are an integral part of any argument essay. To convince your reader, you need to choose a debatable argumentative thesis statement. Here, we are not talking about only achieving good grades, but standing out in the competition and having a good response. Now, the question is how to craft a good and catchy thesis statement. If you need tips and tricks to write a flawless statement, then stick to this post, where you will find a solution to your problem.

Things To Know About The Thesis Statement:

If we talk about a thesis statement, what does it mean? Students get confused in comprehending the definition of thesis statement and start writing like a normal essay. It is a way to communicate the arguments to the audience and elaborate it with irrefutable evidence to explain your point of view. Some of the following characteristics are to be considered for the argumentative thesis statement.

  • It should be short and base on 2-3 sentences.
  • Represent both sides of the topic and then state your claim.
  • Make sure to keep it concise, to the point, and interesting.
  • Do not exaggerate your claim rather, present it in a more meaningful way to get the attention of your reader.

Remember not to bore your reader and stick to the relevancy of the topic. The following tips will help you to write a flawless argumentative thesis statement.

Understand The Purpose Of the Thesis Statement:

A thesis statement is not merely a piece of information that reflects your idea. Rather it serves as the foundation of your essay, which gives direction and flow to your writing process. It is basically a summary of your essay in which you explicitly explain the purpose and opinion related to the topic and support it with evidence and research. Without the statement, it is impossible to grasp the reader’s attention, and also it will make your university essay writing directionless, making your audience unaware of what you want to say.

For example, instead of writing, “Bad eating habit has a lot of disadvantages”, do write “People having bad eating habit will affect their healthy lifestyle subsequently leading them to heart diseases, obesity, and laziness”

With the above example, it is clear what your opinion is related to the topic and how you will discuss it. Engaging your audience is the key to increasing the readability of your essay.

Search Your Topic Well:

Do you think working on an unknown topic will affect your grades? The best excuse a student made is that they do not have enough information about the topic. With the availability of the internet, it seems possible to get knowledge of everything. Your thesis statement is not merely based on a few lines but it shows how well you understand the topic and are ready to take a position with refutable counterarguments. In-depth research will help you to comprehend the both demerits and advantages of the topic and assist you in developing your opinion.

Placement Of The Statement In The Essay:

Do you think adding a separate heading for a thesis statement will be helpful for you? Most of the students are confused about where they should elaborate their argumentative thesis statement. The statement is usually short and should be placed at the end of the introductory paragraph. Do not extend it to another paragraph or in the body of your essay. Read the samples of your desired topic and see how they fit the thesis statement in the essay without mentioning any separate headings or sections.

Start With An Interesting Question:

To give your essay structure and direction, develop a strategy to ease the essay writing process. Starting with a boring and unfocused statement will make your argumentative essay purposeless. Try to make it more interesting and intriguing. You can start your statement with a question to catch the reader’s attention. It will develop the reader’s interest and force them to read the whole essay in the curiosity of finding its answer.

For instance, don’t write, “It is difficult for working women to take care of their family and responsibility of the house”. Instead, write, “Are you one of those women who find it difficult to maintain a balance between work life and house?

Elaborate Your Position:

Stating your position in the argumentative thesis statement plays an important role in your essay. It could be discussing merits and demerits of the topic, cause and effect, facts, or describing a policy of it. Study your given topic from every aspect and develop your point of view. State your perspective in the statement and explain why and how you support it.

Support Your Claim:

Good research on the topic exhibit grip on a particular field. It is not only important to state your position but to back it up with evidence and face counterarguments is also necessary. Use statistical examples, facts, case studies, people’s experiences, and surveys to elaborate your argument and why it is necessary to take that side of the topic. Add relevant materials, data, and references to support it. If your opinion is weak and cannot be supported with enough data, then change it. Speculate your idea, which is arguable, focused, and reasonable to be discussed.

In the end, writing an essay is not a tedious task. Students get tired of searching for relevant data and are hesitant to share their viewpoints. Sharing your opinion is the main reason behind an argument essay, and that is why it is important to add in an argumentative thesis statement. Do not follow any online sample straightforward. Understand your topic well and be creative in writing your thesis statement. Make sure to revise and edit your statement again and again. Brainstorming different ideas and discussing them with your friends will open your mind to new ideas and stories. Check grammatical errors and sentence structure of it. If you want it to grab the audience’s attention, then avoid mistakes in it at all costs.