Sentiment Analysis – Things You Should Do And Avoid


There are millions of tweets and Facebook posts being shared every day. Billions of people use social media and share their thoughts day and night. This huge amount of data is not easy to analyse, especially when knowing people’s opinions about something. Sentiment analysis is used to get a final analysis of what most people think about it. The fundamental purpose of this analysis is to analyse people’s sentiments, opinions, attitudes, and emotions, but if you want to know how this analysis is used, you should know its purpose, including do’s and don’ts. This article will help you know about the do’s and don’ts of sentiment analysis. Before you know about sentiment analysis, it is necessary to understand NLP. So, let’s discuss it first. 

Natural Language Processing

It is abbreviated as NLP. Natural language processing is the main branch of sentiment analysis. The purpose of this analysis and NLP is the same in one aspect. NLP is a vast field that includes tasks other than sentiment analysis alone. It is a process that includes various studies like computer science, artificial intelligence, and linguistics. There are millions of shares of what people are thinking about various topics. It is essential to make machines understand the natural language so that they would be able to perform functions like translations. The natural language process is used to check spelling and keyword searches. You can use it to find the synonyms. Google Translate, Amazon Alexa, Apple Siri, and many other applications use NLP for machine learning processes.

Do’s and Don’ts of SA

Following are some do’s and don’ts which can help you get the best results out of analysis: 

Learn the Difference Between Sentiment Analysis, And NLP

As mentioned above, NLP is the major branch that involves techniques other than sentiment analysis, for example, syntactic analysis, semantic analysis, tokenization, dependency parsing, and many more. The basic purpose is to make the machines understand the text and do meaningful pattern extraction, but the purpose of sentiment analysis is only to categorize the emotions and opinions of people about an entity. This analysis has many types. The thing to keep in mind here is that this analysis is the sub-branch of natural language processing.

Grasp the purpose of Sentiment Analysis/Opinion Mining

The purpose of sentiment analysis is also known as opinion mining. It is sometimes referred to as emotional artificial intelligence. It is the sub-branch of the natural learning process used to examine the public’s emotions about an entity. A system is made to collect and group people’s opinions about a certain thing. Sometimes, machines use an automated method to convert the sentiment into text. There are many areas where this analysis proves to be useful. For example, it can determine marketing trends, and you can track and analyse ad campaigns, etc. this analysis aims to take the people’s opinions about a specific topic. For example, a portion of food was good because of its taste, but the packaging was not clean enough. So, people may give positive, negative, and neutral opinions about it. This analysis will gather and group opinions for the betterment of businesses.

Pick up the basic information about its Types 

According to the experts of masters dissertation help, depending upon the customers’ sentiments, SA can be of many types. You can categorize the sentiments as positive, negative, or neutral. Sometimes feeling are involved in sentiments. It will be of other types angry, sad, happy and others. You can also consider SA as recommended or not recommended, but the major purpose of sentiment analysis is to make a polar analysis of the product. Let us discuss some prominent types of this analysis.

Polar Sentiment Analysis

Polar sentiments are very useful in running businesses. It is the best and easiest method to take feedback about the firm’s progress. It is a discrete yet elaborative technique for determining the thoughts of users. Poles are defined as outstanding, positive, neutral, negative, and terrible. In terms of stars, your outstanding can be considered five stars and likewise, terrible would be given one star.

Emotion Detection

One of the purposes of sentiment analysis is to judge people’s emotions. It is a fantastic technique to texture the feelings of people. Machine learning is getting advanced in this field. With the blessing of SA, you can examine whether people are happy or frustrated about a specific thing. They are angry or sad. For this purpose, lists of words and emotions they transfer are used. These lists are known as a lexicon. These are complex algorithms through which you can easily justify the progress of a product.

Do not Analyse Without Making Chunks. 

Sentiment analysis helps you to analyse the customers’ feedback quickly and effectively. This analysis can help you chunk down the feedback into segments. When you do not make chunks and read comments, it can make things complex to understand. You may get confused about points, and it can cause a problem in generating precise results for a particular study. So, you must avoid the approach of analysing without making chunks. With chunks, you can get customers’ views regarding your business in a better way. You can automate the process to drill down and focus on different segments. That is why, you should know the importance of making chunks of comments. 

Do not Rely on SA Completely.

Although sentiment analysis is beneficial regarding customers’ feedback, it still has some inefficiencies. This analysis is not the complete replacement of feedback. The customers mention certain points. This analysis cannot replace the necessity of complete feedback where the customer points out significant aspects. You need to focus on certain points. This analysis can further help you know which comments you should read.


Sentiment analysis is a great way to understand customers’ views of your business. You can bring significant changes and favourable aspects to your business by knowing about the customers’ experiences and demands. By working on the do’s and don’ts of SA, you can achieve effective results. 

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